Cysts have been affecting a large group of the population since antiquity in different forms. This problem is not something to be terrified of or scared to the death about but yes it is important to clear them off the surface. But hang on! Do not pop them off with bare hands if it is on your skin as this can increase the chances of infections. These cysts can be present in different parts of your body, filled with various substances. There are different treatment methods to kick these cysts out of your life but everyone wonders if anything can be done at home naturally to get rid of them.
Cysts can be of several types like epidermoid cyst, sebaceous cysts, ovarian cysts, baker’s cyst, cystic acne, pilar cyst, breast cyst, pilonidal cyst, chalazia, mucous cyst, and branchial cyst. This article will be about natural remedies for cysts which can help you to a certain extent to get rid of the cysts. However, the amount of help you get from these remedies depends upon the type of cyst you are having and how correctly you use these remedies.
Tea tree oil is an essential oil that possesses antimicrobial properties which help to prevent infectious cysts formation at first and can also help in treating. Cysts many times are caused due to the infection of viruses, fungi, bacteria, or other pathogens that leads to the formation of pus at a particular site within a covering. It cannot help all the cysts but yes one caused by the ingrown hair and infections can be removed or prevented by using it correctly.
Direction– Dilute 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in one ounce of warm water and apply directly on the cyst with a clean cloth. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times daily.
Ginger is one remedy for several health problems and everybody around the world is appreciative of its medicinal properties. Ginger possesses anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties which help in treating any cystic growth in or on the body and prevent any further complications. Sipping ginger tea can be really therapeutic in case of cramps and pain originated from these cysts.
Direction- You can include ginger in your daily diet or can take it in the form of tea. Ginger tea bags can be brought from the market or you can even prepare the one at home, fresh!
Slice ginger in two-inch pieces (2 pieces will be enough), boil it in two cups of water for around 5-10 minutes and then strain it. The tea is ready! You can add some honey or lemon for taste.
Aloe vera is the rescuer for most of us! Be it skin, hair, or any other health-related problem, Aloe vera can be the answer for all. It possesses antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating the cysts and preventing infections.
Direction- Apply aloe vera gel or lotion directly on the cyst if the cyst is exposed to skin and if it is inside the body you can have a cup of aloe vera juice daily.
Honey is a sweet medicine for numerous health problems. It is a powerhouse of therapeutic properties like antibacterial, antioxidant, digestive, and antifungal. This array of amazing properties can help in treating cysts as well. Anti-inflammatory properties help in treating or preventing cysts formation and antimicrobial property helps in treating infection associated with it.
Direction- Locally you can apply using a dab of a cotton dip in honey on the cyst, leave it for some time and then wash it away. Apply several times daily.
For internal use take 1 teaspoon of honey add in one glass warm water and take it.
Whatever you eat affects your health and so does your cyst growth. Having things like fast food, junk food, refined sugars, too much or dairy products, a high level of spices and less intake of water affects your general metabolism and can create a condition and favorable environment for a cyst to form and grow. Hence you must take a diet that helps in maintaining a good internal environment in your body.
Direction- Avoid white bread, refined carbohydrates, white flour products, red meat, sugary food and all the processed food. All include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and drink plenty of water that will clear out the toxin from the body.
Yoga can, directly and indirectly, help in maintaining the overall health of a person and help in treating certain types of cyst. In the case of ovarian cysts, the yoga has proved to be really helpful. It not only helps in easing out the pain of cyst but also deals with associated complaints of ovarian cysts like weight gain and anxiety. Certain Yoga postures like Butterfly pose, Cobra pose, Bharadvajasana, and Chakki chalanasana helps a lot. In other types of cysts also yoga can help by increasing blood circulation and relieving anxiety.
Direction- You can do one or two asanas daily early morning. However, consulting a Yoga teacher will be better in order to prevent any wrongdoing of postures.
It seems to shrink the size of the cysts when applied locally or taken internally. Packed with numerous health benefits, Apple cider vinegar has been used for decades to treat several health ailments. Owing to the antimicrobial property it also helps in treating the infectious cysts.
Direction- Locally- Mix apple cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and apply the dilution on cyst directly. Do this several times daily.
Internal- Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of warm water and have it twice daily.
Munching this healthy veggie raw or adding it in food can help you clear your liver from the lingering toxins and maintain an alkaline pH of your body. Both of these things are necessary to root out the cyst from your body. So go for it and add Beetroot in your daily diet, be it cooked vegetable, juice, or salad.
Direction- You can take it in any form like soup, juice, salad, or cooked form. Take half cup juice daily or 100 gm of raw salad.
These were some of the amazing helpful remedies that helped many people with obstinate cysts. However, this is not it. There is one more thing you can do at home for treating your cysts. Ayurveda! Yes, you heard me right, Ayurveda and herbs of this system can benefit a lot that too naturally. There are certain herbs that have shown their therapeutic effects in cysts and have been used in Ayurveda since ages to treat the cysts. Of them, I am sharing below. Have a look!
Renuka (Vitex agnus-castus)– It is a carminative herb that helps in maintaining the hormonal balance and have been proving to be helpful in the treatment of PCOD or PCOS.
Kanchanara (Bauhinia variegate)- Kanchanara is one of the most famous Ayurvedic herbs that is used to treat the overgrowths, cysts, and fibroids. Skin ailments are very well treated by this herb.
Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)- Wild yam is a popular herb that is used to treat cysts, especially ovarian cysts. Owing to its anti-inflammatory and toxin-clearing properties this herb can help in treating the inflammation and flushes out the toxins from the body.
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)- Owing to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it helps in detoxifying the body and cleansing the blood and liver. It protects the body against the effects of toxins.
However, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner before using any of the herbs will be safer.
So I hope this article will help you, people, out there in managing your cystic ailments. However, these remedies do not promises to cure to eradicate the problem completely so taking proper treatment along with these home remedies will be a good choice.
Stay natural, stay healthy!!
The core classical Ayurvedic scriptures begin with accounts of gods passing down medicinal knowledge to sages and then to human doctors. Ayurvedic treatments have altered and evolved over two millennia. Manual therapies, dietary supplements, lifestyle, herbal medicines, medication, yoga, and purification techniques are all utilized in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Although ayurvedic techniques are frequently employed to treat nabothian cysts, little comprehensive data on their effectiveness as compared to mainstream care is out there. Here let’s examine how Ayurvedic care is critical in curing Nabothian cysts!

Nabothian cysts are a lump crammed with mucus that’s secreted by cervical glands of the uterus which are seen on the surface or mouth of the cervix or canalis cervicis uteri. They’re very small in size, particularly 1 inch long. they’re inclusion cysts (something that has been blocked or collected forms a cyst). Nabothian Cysts are common and benign gynecologic findings in women of reproductive age, generally without clinical significance.
Cervix is lined with two sorts of cells. The outer part is dry and is the stratified squamous epithelium. The inner part is moist and maybe a columnar epithelium that secretes mucus. Inner columnar epithelial cells protrude out into the mouth of the cervix and become overlapped by the outer squamous epithelium. When this happens, the secretions build up in plugged glands.
This is a traditional condition in pregnant women. Normally, your cervix is hospitable allowing your menstruation fluid to pass from your uterus to your vagina, and for sperm to enter the uterus to your vagina. During pregnancy, the cervix closes to keep the developing baby inside the uterus. After your child is born, thanks to high hormone levels, the columnar epithelium grows over the mucous glands and becomes an erosion, so as soon as, it grows out, it’s to get replaced by squamous epithelium that causes inclusion cysts called nabothian cysts.
The seed capsule of the lotus flower is referred to as Karnini. Karnini Yoni Vyapad may be considered as a little protuberance near the Garbhashaya Dwara that resembles the Padma Karnika or lotus pericarp. An elevated lesion at the Garbhashaya Greeva characterizes the Karnini Yonivyapad. The lesion is claimed to simulate the pericarp of the lotus flower in appearance. Karnini is often compared with cervical erosion. The cervix becomes swollen, congested, and coated with tiny red projections that resemble sprouts in cervical erosion. Due to the presence of small sprouts, the cervix takes on the shape of a small brush. This erosion is usually caused by nabothian cysts, which are small pea-sized smooth nodular structures. When it comes to nabothian cysts, this refers to the lotus pericarp.
If the pregnant woman strains prematurely to expel the fetus, then Vata in reproductive organs gets obstructed by the fetus and successively, Vata is vitiated. Then Rakta (blood) and Kapha together vitiate and further vitiation of Vata occurs. This aggravated Vata causes Karnika (polyp or nodular growth) in her genitalia. This polyp obstructs the course of blood flow, and therefore the ailment is named Karnini.
Nabothian cysts are often screened and diagnosed during a pelvic examination. It is often seen on a pelvic ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan when watching the cervix. They have a silky appearance and are white or yellow in color. Do not be afraid if you are told you have a nabothian follicle during a vaginal ultrasound exam; their existence is typical. These cysts don’t cause pain, discomfort, or other symptoms, and they are in benign condition.
In rare cases, the cysts may become larger and warp the form and size of your cervix, and block the cervix; the corresponding can do a ‘Pap test’. If it’s severe and needs treatment, they are often removed through excision. In some cases, your doctor may drain fluid from the cyst. They’ll recommend this method due to the very minimal blood loss that happens during the procedure.
Small nabothian cysts don’t need treatment. A nabothian follicle may range from 2–10 millimeters (mm) in diameter. Nabothian cysts are usually self-resolving. Large nabothian cysts can qualify to 4 centimeters (cm) in size. If an outsized nabothian follicle is causing symptoms, people may have surgery to get rid of it. To remove a nabothian cyst, a clinician may use one of the techniques listed below: Electrocautery – a procedure that includes burning the cyst using a small probe and an electrical current. Cryotherapy – a procedure that includes freezing a cyst with nitrogen.
Kushtadi Varti is often considered one of the simplest treatments for Nabothian cysts. Pippali (Piper longum), Kushta (Saussurea lappa), Arka (Calotropis gigantea) buds, and halite are triturated with goat’s urine to make Varti (medicated bougie). It’s inserted into the vagina which cures Karnini sort of uterine diseases. All the therapeutic measures prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by Kapha also are beneficial for the cure of this ailment.
Let’s explore how Planet Ayurveda can help us in alleviating nabothian cysts!
The genuine Plantbased Ayurveda products have always shown to be the greatest remedy in the event of any ailment. They have consistently provided excellent customer service. They are free of chemicals, fillers, preservatives, yeast, and other additives because they are prepared according to Ayurvedic scriptures. Pradrantak Churna, Chandraprabha Vati Tablets, Kanchnaar Guggul Tablets, and Punarnava Mandur Tablets are part of Planet Ayurveda’s 100% natural Anti-ovarian cyst Pack.
Anti-Ovarian Cyst Pack is a collection of female health drugs that aids in the maintenance of hormonal balance. As a result, ailments such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), nabothian cysts, and other similar issues can be treated with this pack. There are no adverse effects because all of the medicines are produced with natural and herbal ingredients.
It’s a traditional herbal preparation with Ayurvedic-inspired ingredients. It is particularly effective in painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular menses, uterine fibroids, ovarian, cysts, and leucorrhoea. These tablets contain herbs like Vacha (Acorus calamus), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum) & Guggul (Commiphora mukul), etc that reduce the size of cysts & it’s associated symptoms.
Dosage: 2 tablets, twice daily with warm water after meals.
It’s a full herbal solution designed to address female health issues. It contains herbs like Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Ashok (Saraca indica), Udumbu (Ficus glomerata) & Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) that particularly show effective results in painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular menses, uterine fibroids ovarian cysts, and leucorrhoea.
Dosage: 1 teaspoonful, twice daily with warm water after meals.
These are traditional herbal tablets that have been utilized for cysts and excess growth in the body since ancient times. Kanchnaar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Ginger (Zingiber officinale) & Guggul (Commiphora mukul), etc that reduce cysts size & remove it out. These tablets are useful in the treatment of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
Dosage: 2 tablets, twice daily with warm water after meals.
It is an effective herbal formulation prepared using the most effective herbs like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Pippali (Piper longum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haridra (Curcuma longa), etc. All these herbs have proven benefits in eliminating toxins from the body and helping get rid of the accumulation of fluid in any part of the body. This mixture is particularly successful in treating ovarian cysts. Aside from that, it also aids in the female’s overall well-being.
Dosage: 2 tablets, twice a day with warm water after meals.
As a result, Plantbased Ayurveda and its products are completely trustworthy and deserving of your trust. Choose wisely and rid yourself of the overwhelming pain of Nabothian cysts. For more details of our products,