Any kind of block or hurdle in the walls of the arteries that prevent normal flow of blood through them is known as arterial blockage. There is either temporary or permanent hardening of the artery walls due to deposition of cholesterol or atherosclerosis.
Deposition of cholesterol plaques is one of the major causes of arterial blockage. The deposits lead to atherosclerosis of the arteries. These plaques inflame the blood vessels and may result in the formation of clots that may block the heart and cause heart attack or congestive heart failure. Other substances that can cause blockage in the arteries are calcium deposits, lipoproteins, and inflammatory cells in the body. Smoking is another major factor that leads to blockage.
Usually the patient does not present any direct signs or symptoms that relate to arterial blockage. There are some common symptoms that if closely noted and monitored may present the case that the person is suffering from some heart related disorders. N such cases, we can prevent a stroke or congestive heart failure from happening. If a person complains of breathlessness, anxiety, tiredness, difficulty in walking, pain in legs over a long period of time it is a sign that he may have some heart related disorder. Weakness, dizziness, palpitations, sweating unusually may also be some of the warning signs.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that makes use of herbs existing in the nature and formulates herbal remedies using the inherent power present in these herbs. We in Ayurveda believe that herbal remedies bring to you the richness of the herbs in a natural, unadulterated form. These combinations help improve immunity and provide strength, endurance and will.
Ayurveda has been blessed with abundant natural herbs that work in sync with the body functions and protect and prevent any undue damage to the body cells. Heart is the main body organ which pumps day and night to make oxygen available to all the body organs and especially to the brain. In order to do so a constant blood pressure against the lateral walls of the arteries has to be maintained. The Ayurvedic herbs help align the blood pressure in a proper order so as to make the functioning of the heart easy and comfortable. In certain cases the deposition of plague and cholesterol any alter the functioning of the heart. The Ayurvedic herbs help remove the cholesterol plaques from the walls of the arteries so as to maintain a constant flow of blood.
Ayurveda uses the inherent power of natural herbs to bring about wonderful results on the human body. The herbs are natural and 100% safe. Ayurveda helps to naturally enhance the body functioning in an herbal way. The herbs for Blood pressure regulation and heart strength help maintain a good heart rate and a normal blood pressure. In case the person has a high blood pressure the herbs bring it down, control and regulate it and therefore help in its sustenance.
The bark of the Arjuna tree is used in Ayurveda for management of many heart problems such as angina, coronary artery disease, artery blockage, high cholesterol, and blood pressure. It gives strength to the ailing heart and controls the cholesterol levels. This wonderful herb has cardio protective properties. Its regular usage enhances the pumping capacity of the heart, decreases the LDL cholesterol and maintains HDL cholesterol. Arjuna is used for relieving artery blockage. It strengthens the heart muscles. The bark of Arjuna is rich in natural oxidants, saponins, gallic acid, phtosterols and oligomeric proanthocyanidin.
It is a common spice used in Indian subcontinent. It lowers cholesterol levels effectively. Its regular usage reduces breathlessness and strengthens the heart muscles, vascular system and acts as a natural anti-oxidant. Cinnamon controls vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Cinnamon paste can be applied to relieve blackheads, pimples and acne. It is also useful for relieving other ailments like asthma, paralysis, uterus disorders, gonorrhea and excessive menstruation.
This unique herb is found in Upper Himalayas and has been used since several centuries for preventing heart diseases. It eliminates toxins from kidneys and liver effectively. It is known as a rejuvenation herb. The herb has mild diuretic properties and relaxes the heart muscles.
Ashwagandha is also commonly known as ‘Indian ginseng’. It very beneficial for the nervous system. The herb possess anti – inflammatory, antitumor, anti-stress, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, hemopoietic as well rejuvenating properties. It is quite useful in reducing diabetes and blood pressure. It relieves stress, anxiety and enhances physical and mental performance. It gives strength to the muscles and heart muscles to overcome the cardiac ailments.
This herb is used in preventing memory loss, lack of concentration, forgetfulness. It increases the retention power as well as recollection. It is very useful in many mental illnesses also. Regular use also helps in stress, anxiety, blood pressure, hallucinations and epilepsy. It relaxes the nerves and arteries and helps to keep blood pressure in control and provide strength to the mind.
It is known as queen of species and a valuable herb in the world of spices. The dried fruits of cardamom plant are used for medicinal purposes. These seeds have pleasant aroma with a pungent taste. The therapeutic properties and aroma of cardamom are because of the volatile oil present in them. Tincture of cardamom is used in Ayurveda for relieving flatulence and as an aid to digestion. The seeds can be used as breath freshener. An infusion made with cardamom and cinnamon relieves sore throat and Pharyngitis. Cardamom is used in flavoring cakes, curries, bread and other culinary items. The essential oil of cardamom is useful in perfumery, pharmaceutical industry, flavoring liquors and in the preparation of tinctures.